Curt Monash reports on Hadoop/Hive @ Facebook

Curt Monash posted a blog post on our (myself and Ashish Thusoo’s) conversation with him regarding Hadoop and Hive and their deployment and usage at Facebook.  It is heartening to see the mainstream database and analytics community starting to cover Hadoop and Hive.  Even though these projects are rapidly becoming better and developing strong communities around them – they are already of production quality and can bring substantial benefits to environments with large data sets – both in terms of reducing cost as well as in the ability to run more flexible computations against them.

Of course – this just makes all the questions being raised about the efficacy and architecture  of map-reduce/Hadoop all the more important to address (hopefully in subsequent posts).

2 thoughts on “Curt Monash reports on Hadoop/Hive @ Facebook

  1. How do you get your blog post to be more than 140 characters?

    (just kidding. looking forward to the upcoming posts!)

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